Beaglebone BlackのPRUでPWMによるwaveファイル再生を行う

今回はBBBのペリフェラルの一つEnhanced Capture (eCAP) ModuleをPRUにより制御を行い、音声レベルでのDA変換を実装する。

・11bit 2CHデータ出力
・44.1KHz 16bitステレオwavファイルの再生



・Enhanced PWM (ePWM) Module
・Enhanced Capture (eCAP) Module

また、eCAPはshadow registerを持ち、periodカウントタイミングで次のデータを自動で設定することができる。
今回、eCAP0とeCAP2をPRUから制御を行い、PWM DACの実装を試みる

eCAPはPulse-Width Modulation Subsystem (PWMSS)に含まれる3つのModuleの一つ、Enhanced Capture (eCAP) Moduleのこと。
eCAPは外部信号の周波数測定するためのCapture modeとPWM出力を行うためのAPWM modeの二つのmodeがある。

eCAPのAPWM modeでの動作概要は以下のようになる。
先ずAPRD_activeとAPRD_shadowにpreiod Pを設定する。
ACMP_activeとACMP_shadowにも$$0 < cmp < P$$の範囲内の初期値 cmp を与える。
従って任意のタイミングでACMP_shadowを$$0 < cmp < P$$の範囲内の別の任意の値 cmp に更新すれば、次のperiodで希望するデューティ比に更新することができる。
音声出力用のDACとしてeCAPのAPWM modeを用いる為には、サンプリング周波数に合わせてperiod PをAPRDに設定し、周期毎にACMP_shadowをサンプリングデータで更新してゆけばよい。


TSCTRの基準クロック周波数は100MHzであるので、所望周波数を44.1KHzとするならばAPRDに設定するperiod Pは2268が一つの候補となる。
period Pを2268にした場合での$$2268 > 2^x$$を満たす最大のxは11であるので、サンプリング分解能は11bitとした。


debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo -s 
root@beaglebone:/home/debian# export SLOTS=/sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots 
root@beaglebone:/home/debian# echo am33xx_pwm > $SLOTS root@beaglebone:/home/debian#

device treeで設定するのはあくまでも各ペリフェラルレジスタをPRUから操作できるようにすることが目的。
上記を実施することにより、ePWM SS関連のレジスタを操作することができるようになる。

先に述べたようにeCAPにはeCAP0~eCAP2の3つがあるもののAPWM modeとして使えるのはeCAP0とeCAP2の二つ。



Beagle Bone BlackのPRUを学ぶ(その4)
Beagle Bone BlackのPRUを学ぶ(その3)
Beagle Bone BlackのPRUを学ぶ(その2)
Beagle Bone BlackのPRUを学ぶ(その1)

P9_28はBBB内部でTDA19988 のAP1に結線されている。
BeagleBone Black Rev.Cのピンアサイン表参照。

デフォルトではP9_28は音声出力用途に設定されていて、device tree設定はBone-Black-HDMI/Bone-Black-HDMINの二つがloadされる。

Beagle Bone BlackのPRUを学ぶ(その4)



/ {
    compatible = "ti,beaglebone", "ti,beaglebone-black";
    /* identification */
    part-number = "bone_JUNK_PWMDAC";
    version = "00A0";
    exclusive-use =
        /* pin header uses */
        "P9.42",    /* ecap0_P9_42:   [Bot C18] eCAP0_in_PWM0_out ! shared use ! */
                    /* gpio3_P9_42:   [Bot B12] gpio3[18]         ! shared use ! */
                    /* P9.42 is shared resource that is connected with both C18 and B12.
                       Since we wll use function on C18 as output pin, B12 has to be set to input(high-Z). */
        "P9.28",    /* ecap2_P9_28:   [Bot C12] eCAP2_in_PWM2_out_mux1 */
        /* the hardware IP uses */
    fragment@0 {
        target = <&am33xx_pinmux>;
        __overlay__ {
            ecap0_gpio: pinmux_ecap0_pins {
                pinctrl-single,pins = <
                    0x164 0x08  /* [Bot C18] (IDIS|OFF|MODE0)=(0 01 000) eCAP0_in_PWM0_out P9_42@ */
            ecap2_gpio: pinmux_ecap2_pins {
                pinctrl-single,pins = <
                    0x19C 0x0c  /* [Bot C12] (IDIS|OFF|MODE4)=(0 01 100) eCAP2_in_PWM2_out_mux1 P9_28 */
            gpio3_gpio: pinmux_gpio3_pins {
                pinctrl-single,pins = <
                    0x1A0 0x2f  /* [Bot B12] (IEN |OFF|MODE7)=(1 01 111) gpio3[18] P9_42@ */
    fragment@1 {
        target = <&ocp>;
        __overlay__ {
            pwmdac_ecap0 {
                compatible      = "junk_pwmdac";
                pwms            = <&ecap0 0 0 1>;
                pwm-names       = "ECAP0";
                pinctrl-names   = "default";
                pinctrl-0       = <&ecap0_gpio>;
                enabled         = <1>;
                duty            = <0>;
                status          = "okay";
            pwmdac_ecap2 {
                compatible      = "junk_pwmdac";
                pwms            = <&ecap2 0 0 1>;
                pwm-names       = "ECAP2";
                pinctrl-names   = "default";
                pinctrl-0       = <&ecap2_gpio>;
                enabled         = <1>;
                duty            = <0>;
                status          = "okay";
            pwmdac_ecap0_gpio_helper: ecap0_gpio_helper {
                compatible      = "bone-pinmux-helper";
                pinctrl-names   = "default";
                pinctrl-0       = <&ecap0_gpio>;
                status          = "okay";
            pwmdac_ecap2_gpio_helper: ecap2_gpio_helper {
                compatible      = "bone-pinmux-helper";
                pinctrl-names   = "default";
                pinctrl-0       = <&ecap2_gpio>;
                status          = "okay";
            pwmdac_gpio3_gpio_helper: gpio3_gpio_helper {
                compatible      = "bone-pinmux-helper";
                pinctrl-names   = "default";
                pinctrl-0       = <&gpio3_gpio>;
                status          = "okay";
    fragment@2 {
        target = <&pruss>;
        __overlay__ {
            status          = "okay";


debian@beaglebone:/lib/firmware$ sudo dtc -@ -O dtb -o bone-JUNK-PWMDAC-00A0.dtbo bone-JUNK-PWMDAC-00A0.dts debian@beaglebone:/lib/firmware$ sudo reboot


debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo -s root@beaglebone:/home/debian# export SLOTS=/sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots root@beaglebone:/home/debian# cat $SLOTS 0: 54:PF--- 1: 55:PF--- 2: 56:PF--- 3: 57:PF--- 4: ff:P-O-L Bone-LT-eMMC-2G,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONE-EMMC-2G 5: ff:P-O-- Bone-Black-HDMI,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONELT-HDMI 6: ff:P-O-- Bone-Black-HDMIN,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONELT-HDMIN root@beaglebone:/home/debian# echo am33xx_pwm > $SLOTS root@beaglebone:/home/debian# echo bone-JUNK-PWMDAC > $SLOTS root@beaglebone:/home/debian# cat $SLOTS 0: 54:PF--- 1: 55:PF--- 2: 56:PF--- 3: 57:PF--- 4: ff:P-O-L Bone-LT-eMMC-2G,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONE-EMMC-2G 5: ff:P-O-- Bone-Black-HDMI,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONELT-HDMI 6: ff:P-O-- Bone-Black-HDMIN,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONELT-HDMIN 7: ff:P-O-L Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,am33xx_pwm 8: ff:P-O-L Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,bone-JUNK-PWMDAC root@beaglebone:/home/debian# export PINS=/sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/44e10800.pinmux/pins root@beaglebone:/home/debian# cat $PINS | grep 964 pin 89 (44e10964) 00000008 pinctrl-single root@beaglebone:/home/debian# cat $PINS | grep 99c pin 103 (44e1099c) 0000000c pinctrl-single root@beaglebone:/home/debian# cat $PINS | grep 9a0 pin 104 (44e109a0) 0000002f pinctrl-single root@beaglebone:/home/debian#

am33xx_pwmとbone-JUNK-PWMDACがloadされていて、意図したpin mux設定となっていることが確認できた。


root@beaglebone:/home/debian# devmem2 0x4830000c w /dev/mem opened. Memory mapped at address 0xb6f71000. Value at address 0x4830000C (0xb6f7100c): 0x111 root@beaglebone:/home/debian# devmem2 0x4830200c w /dev/mem opened. Memory mapped at address 0xb6f32000. Value at address 0x4830200C (0xb6f3200c): 0x111 root@beaglebone:/home/debian# devmem2 0x4830400c w /dev/mem opened. Memory mapped at address 0xb6f79000. Value at address 0x4830400C (0xb6f7900c): 0x111 root@beaglebone:/home/debian#



// pwm.p
.origin 0
.entrypoint PWM_SAMPLE
#include "pwmdac.hp"
// Our plan to use Registers
//     R0-R4: temporary use
//     R5: Previous command from host
//     R6.w0: sampling data for right channel
//     R6.w2: sampling data for left channel
//     R7.w0: Buffer Index
//     R8: Frame Counter
//     R9.w0: mask pattern of ECFLG
//     R10: Address of eCAP0_BASE
//     R11: Address of eCAP0_BASE, but it may not be used.
//     R12: Address of eCAP0_BASE
//     R13.w0, 0x1000            // Harf size of RING_BUF or Offset for RING_BUF
//     R13.w2, 0x2000            // Size of RING_BUF
//     R14.w0, 0x0fff            // Mask pattern for Harf of RING_BUF 
//     R14.w2, 0x1fff            // Mask Pattern for all of RING_BUF
//     R17-R20: always all ZERO
// I/F with Host 
//   CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 0x00: size 4Byte: Command from host. 
//                                            0x00: Turn off
//                                            0x01: stop and init
//                                            0x02: run
//   CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 0x04: size 4Byte: Status indication for host. 
//                                            0x00: init
//                                            0x01: Stop 
//                                            0x02: running
//                                            0x03: running but over-run. 
//                                            0x04: running but under-run
//   CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 0x08: size 4Byte: Frame Number Indication from host. it indicates number of harf of RING_BUF.
//                                            even numbers indicates that current harf of RING_BUF is top harf.
//                                            odd numbers indicates that current harf of RING_BUF is bottom harf.
//                                            and then indicated number shows RING_BUF that is filled with new data.
//   CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 0x0c: size 4Byte: Frame Number Indication to host. it indicates number of harf of RING_BUF.
//                                            even number indicates that current harf of RING_BUF is top harf.
//                                            odd number indicates that current harf of RING_BUF is bottom harf.
//                                            and then indicated number shows RING_BUF that is consumed by pru.
//   CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + (0x1000 to 0x1fff): top harf of RING_BUF. 
//   CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + (0x2000 to 0x3fff): bottom harf of RING_BUF.
// Make Constant values for registers
    MOV       r9.w0, 0x0040             // r9.w0 is mask pattern of ECFLG
    MOV       r10, eCAP0_BASE           // r10 is Address of eCAP0_BASE
    MOV       r11, eCAP1_BASE           // r11 is Address of eCAP1_BASE, but it may not be used.
    MOV       r12, eCAP2_BASE           // r12 is Address of eCAP2_BASE
    MOV       r13.w0, 0x1000            // Harf size of RING_BUF
    MOV       r13.w2, 0x2000            // Size of RING_BUF
    MOV       r14.w0, 0x0fff            // Mask pattern for Harf of RING_BUF 
    MOV       r14.w2, 0x1fff            // Mask Pattern for all of RING_BUF
    MOV       r17, 0x00000000           // r17 is always all ZERO
    MOV       r18, r17                  // also r18-r20 are always all ZERO
    MOV       r19, r17                  // 
    MOV       r20, r17                  // 
// Enable OCP Master port
    CLR       r0, r0, 4                                   // Clear bit4 of r0 (Clear SYSCFG:STANDBY_INIT 
                                                          // to enable OCP master port)
// Init Indexs and Pointers of Constant tables 
    MOV       r0, PRU0_CTRL_REG_BASE             // 
    SBBO      r17, r0, OFFSET_PRU_CTBIR0_REG, 4  // *(PRU0_CTRL_REG_BASE + OFFSET_PRU_CTBIR0_REG) = r17:0x00000000
                                                 //   Set Fields C25_BLK_INDEX and C24_BLK_INDEX to 0.
    MOV       r1, 0x00000100                     // 
    SBBO      r1, r0, OFFSET_PRU_CTPPR0_REG, 4   // *(PRU0_CTRL_REG_BASE + OFFSET_PRU_CTPPR0_REG) = r1:0x00000100
                                                 //   Set Fields C29_POINTER to 0x0000 and C28_POINTER to 0x0100.
                                                 //   Unexpectedly, C28 is NOT dedicated for Shared PRU RAM,
                                                 //   we can use C28 for PRU0/1 Local Data RAM if C28_POINTER
                                                 //   in CTPPRx register is set to 0x0000/0x0020. So to use 
                                                 //   for Shared PRU RAM C28_POINTER must be set to 0x0100.
// Init Indication params for/from Host
    SBCO      r17, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x00, 4   // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 0) = r17:0x00000000
    SBCO      r17, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x04, 4   // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 4) = r17:0x00000000
    SBCO      r17, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x08, 4   // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 8) = r17:0x00000000
    SBCO      r17, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x0c, 4   // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 12) = r17:0x00000000
    SBCO      r17, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x10, 4   // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 16) = r17:0x00000000
// just in case we check PWM_Subsystem_0, PWM_Subsystem_1 and PWM_Subsystem_2
    MOV       r2, PWM_Subsystem_0_BASE           // r2 is Address of PWM_Subsystem_0_BASE
    MOV       r3, PWM_Subsystem_1_BASE           // r3 is Address of PWM_Subsystem_1_BASE
    MOV       r4, PWM_Subsystem_2_BASE           // r4 is Address of PWM_Subsystem_2_BASE
    LBBO      r0, r2, OFFSET_CLKSTATUS, 4        // r0 = *(r2:PWM_Subsystem_0_BASE + OFFSET_CLKSTATUS)
                                                 //   0x4830000c : 0x00000111
    LBBO      r0, r3, OFFSET_CLKSTATUS, 4        // r0 = *(r3:PWM_Subsystem_1_BASE + OFFSET_CLKSTATUS)
                                                 //   0x4830200c : 0x00000111
    LBBO      r0, r2, OFFSET_CLKSTATUS, 4        // r0 = *(r4:PWM_Subsystem_2_BASE + OFFSET_CLKSTATUS)
                                                 //   0x4830400c : 0x00000111
                                                 // CLKSTATUS Register is read-only and indicates Clock-Status.
                                                 //     9 ePWM_CLKSTOP_ACK R 0h 
                                                 //        This bit is the clkstop_req_ack status output of the ePWM module.
                                                 //     8 ePWM_CLK_EN_ACK R 0h 
                                                 //        This bit is the clk_en status output of the ePWM module.
                                                 //     7-6 RESERVED R 0h
                                                 //     5 eQEP_CLKSTOP_ACK R 0h 
                                                 //        This bit is the clkstop_req_ack status output of the eQEP module.
                                                 //     4 eQEP_CLK_EN_ACK R 0h 
                                                 //        This bit is the clk_en status output of the eQEP module.
                                                 //     3-2 RESERVED R 0h
                                                 //     1 eCAP_CLKSTOP_ACK R 0h 
                                                 //        This bit is the clkstop_req_ack status output of the eCAP module.
                                                 //     0 eCAP_CLK_EN_ACK R 0h 
                                                 //        This bit is the clk_en status output of the eCAP module.
// init eCAP
    // check REVID register for debug.
    LBBO      r1, r10, OFFSET_REVID, 4           // r1 = *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_REVID)
                                                 //   0x4830015c : 
    LBBO      r1, r12, OFFSET_REVID, 4           // r1 = *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_REVID)
                                                 //   0x4830415c : 
                                                 // REVID Register
                                                 //     REVID register is read-only and fixed value as 0x44D22100.
    // stop the running counter in TSCTR Register
    MOV       r1.w0, 0x0280                      //
    SBBO      r1.w0, r10, OFFSET_ECCTL2, 2       // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_ECCTL2) = r1.w0:0x0280
                                                 //   0x4830012a : 0x280
    SBBO      r1.w0, r12, OFFSET_ECCTL2, 2       // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_ECCTL2) = r1.w0:0x0280
                                                 //   0x4830412a : 0x280
                                                 // we set mode to APWM and stop TSCTR counter.
                                                 // ECCTL2 Register
                                                 //     15-11 RESERVED R 0h
                                                 //   * 10 APWMPOL R/W 0h APWM output polarity select.
                                                 //        This is applicable only in APWM operating mode
                                                 //       *  0h = Output is active high (Compare value defines high time)
                                                 //          1h = Output is active low (Compare value defines low time)
                                                 //   * 9 CAP_APWM R/W 0h CAP/APWM operating mode select
                                                 //          0h = ECAP module operates in capture mode. This mode forces the
                                                 //               following configuration. 
                                                 //               (a) Inhibits TSCTR resets via PRDEQ event.
                                                 //               (b) Inhibits shadow loads on CAP1 and 2 registers. 
                                                 //               (c) Permits user to enable CAP1-4 register load. 
                                                 //               (d) ECAPn/APWMn pin operates as a capture input.
                                                 //       *  1h = ECAP module operates in APWM mode. This mode forces the
                                                 //               following configuration. 
                                                 //               (a) Resets TSCTR on PRDEQ event (period boundary). 
                                                 //               (b) Permits shadow loading on CAP1 and 2 registers. 
                                                 //               (c) Disables loading of time-stamps into CAP1-4 registers. 
                                                 //               (d) ECAPn/APWMn pin operates as a APWM output.
                                                 //   * 8 SWSYNC R/W 0h Software-forced Counter (TSCTR) Synchronizing.
                                                 //         This provides a convenient software method to synchronize some or
                                                 //         all ECAP time bases.
                                                 //         In APWM mode, the synchronizing can also be done via the PRDEQ event.
                                                 //         Note: Selecting PRDEQ is meaningful only in APWM mode.
                                                 //               However, you can choose it in CAP mode if you find doing 
                                                 //               so useful.
                                                 //       *  0h = Writing a zero has no effect. Reading always returns a zero
                                                 //          1h = Writing a one forces a TSCTR shadow load of current ECAP
                                                 //               module and any ECAP modules down-stream providing the
                                                 //               SYNCO_SEL bits are 0,0. After writing a 1, this bit returns 
                                                 //               to a zero.
                                                 //    * 7-6 SYNCO_SEL R/W 0h Sync-Out Select
                                                 //          0h = Select sync-in event to be the sync-out signal (pass through)
                                                 //          1h = Select PRDEQ event to be the sync-out signal
                                                 //       *  2h = Disable sync out signal
                                                 //          3h = Disable sync out signal
                                                 //    * 5 SYNCI_EN R/W 0h Counter (TSCTR) Sync-In select mode
                                                 //       *  0h = Disable sync-in option
                                                 //          1h = Enable counter (TSCTR) to be loaded from CTRPHS register
                                                 //               upon either a SYNCI signal or a S/W force event.
                                                 //      4 TSCTRSTOP R/W 0h Time Stamp (TSCTR) Counter Stop (freeze) Control
                                                 //       *  0h = TSCTR stopped
                                                 //          1h = TSCTR free-running
                                                 //      3 RE-ARM R/W 0h One-Shot Re-Arming Control, that is, wait for 
                                                 //        stop trigger.
                                                 //        Note: The re-arm function is valid in one shot or continuous mode.
                                                 //       *  0h = Has no effect (reading always returns a 0)
                                                 //          1h = Arms the one-shot sequence as follows: 
                                                 //               1) Resets the Mod4 counter to zero. 
                                                 //               2) Unfreezes the Mod4 counter. 
                                                 //               3) Enables capture register loads.
                                                 //      2-1 STOP_WRAP R/W 3h Stop value for one-shot mode.
                                                 //          This is the number (between 1 and 4) of captures allowed to occur
                                                 //          before the CAP (1 through 4) registers are frozen, that is, capture
                                                 //          sequence is stopped.
                                                 //          Wrap value for continuous mode.
                                                 //          This is the number (between 1 and 4) of the capture register in which
                                                 //          the circular buffer wraps around and starts again.
                                                 //          Notes: STOP_WRAP is compared to Mod4 counter and, when
                                                 //          equal, the following two actions occur.
                                                 //          (1) Mod4 counter is stopped (frozen), and (2) Capture register loads
                                                 //          are inhibited.
                                                 //          In one-shot mode, further interrupt events are blocked until rearmed.
                                                 //       *  0h = Stop after Capture Event 1 in one-shot mode. Wrap after
                                                 //               Capture Event 1 in continuous mode.
                                                 //          1h = Stop after Capture Event 2 in one-shot mode. Wrap after
                                                 //               Capture Event 2 in continuous mode.
                                                 //          2h = Stop after Capture Event 3 in one-shot mode. Wrap after
                                                 //               Capture Event 3 in continuous mode.
                                                 //          3h = Stop after Capture Event 4 in one-shot mode. Wrap after
                                                 //               Capture Event 4 in continuous mode.
                                                 //      0 CONT_ONESHT R/W 0h Continuous or one-shot mode control 
                                                 //        (applicable only in capture mode)
                                                 //       *  0h = Operate in continuous mode
                                                 //          1h = Operate in one-shot mode
    SBBO      r17, r10, OFFSET_TSCTR, 4          // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_TSCTR) = r17:0x00000000
                                                 //   0x48300100 : 0x0
    SBBO      r17, r12, OFFSET_TSCTR, 4          // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_TSCTR) = r17:0x00000000
                                                 //   0x48304100 : 0x0
                                                 // TSCTR Register
    SBBO      r17, r10, OFFSET_CTRPHS, 4         // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_CTRPHS) = r17:0x00000000
                                                 //   0x48300104 : 0x0
    SBBO      r17, r12, OFFSET_CTRPHS, 4         // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_CTRPHS) = r17:0x00000000
                                                 //   0x48304104 : 0x0
                                                 // CTRPHS Register
    MOV       r1, PERIOD_44100                   //
    SBBO      r1, r10, OFFSET_CAP1, 4            // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_CAP1) = r1:PERIOD_44100
                                                 //   0x48300108 : 
    SBBO      r1, r12, OFFSET_CAP1, 4            // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_CAP1) = r1:PERIOD_44100
                                                 //   0x48304108 : 
                                                 // CAP1 Register
    SBBO      r1, r10, OFFSET_CAP3, 4            // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_CAP3) = r1:PERIOD_44100
                                                 //   0x48300110 : 
    SBBO      r1, r12, OFFSET_CAP3, 4            // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_CAP3) = r1:PERIOD_44100
                                                 //   0x48304110 : 
                                                 // CAP3 Register
    MOV       r1, ZERO_LEVEL_44100               //
    SBBO      r1, r10, OFFSET_CAP2, 4            // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_CAP2) = r1:ZERO_LEVEL_44100
                                                 //   0x4830010c : 
    SBBO      r1, r12, OFFSET_CAP2, 4            // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_CAP2) = r1:ZERO_LEVEL_44100
                                                 //   0x4830410c : 
                                                 // CAP2 Register
    SBBO      r1, r10, OFFSET_CAP4, 4            // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_CAP4) = r1:ZERO_LEVEL_44100
                                                 //   0x48300114 : 
    SBBO      r1, r12, OFFSET_CAP4, 4            // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_CAP4) = r1:ZERO_LEVEL_44100
                                                 //   0x48304114 : 
                                                 // CAP4 Register
    SBBO      r17.w0, r10, OFFSET_ECCTL1, 2      // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_ECCTL1) = r17.w0:0x0000
                                                 //   0x48300128 : 0x0
    SBBO      r17.w0, r12, OFFSET_ECCTL1, 2      // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_ECCTL1) = r17.w0:0x0000
                                                 //   0x48304128 : 0x0
                                                 // ECCTL1 Register
                                                 //     15-14 FREE_SOFT R/W 0h Emulation Control
                                                 //         0h = TSCTR counter stops immediately on emulation suspend.
                                                 //         1h = TSCTR counter runs until = 0.
                                                 //         2h = TSCTR counter is unaffected by emulation suspend (Run Free).
                                                 //         3h = TSCTR counter is unaffected by emulation suspend (Run Free).
                                                 //     13-9 PRESCALE R/W 0h Event Filter prescale select ...
                                                 //          0h = Divide by 1 (i.e,. no prescale, by-pass the prescaler)
                                                 //          1h = Divide by 2
                                                 //          2h = Divide by 4
                                                 //          3h = Divide by 6
                                                 //          4h = Divide by 8
                                                 //          5h = Divide by 10
                                                 //         1Eh = Divide by 60
                                                 //         1Fh = Divide by 62
                                                 //     8 CAPLDEN R/W 0h Enable Loading of CAP1 to CAP4 registers on 
                                                 //       a capture event
                                                 //          0h = Disable CAP1 through 4 register loads at capture event time.
                                                 //          1h = Enable CAP1-4 register loads at capture event time.
                                                 //     7 CTRRST4 R/W 0h Counter Reset on Capture Event 4
                                                 //          0h = Do not reset counter on Capture Event 4 (absolute time 
                                                 //               stamp operation)
                                                 //          1h = Reset counter after Capture Event 4 time-stamp has been
                                                 //               captured (used in difference mode operation)
                                                 //     6 CAP4POL R/W 0h Capture Event 4 Polarity select
                                                 //          0h = Capture Event 4 triggered on a rising edge (RE)
                                                 //          1h = Capture Event 4 triggered on a falling edge (FE)
                                                 //     5 CTRRST3 R/W 0h Counter Reset on Capture Event 3
                                                 //          0h = Do not reset counter on Capture Event 3 (absolute time stamp)
                                                 //          1h = Reset counter after Event 3 time-stamp has been captured
                                                 //               (used in difference mode operation)
                                                 //     4 CAP3POL R/W 0h Capture Event 3 Polarity select
                                                 //          0h = Capture Event 3 triggered on a rising edge (RE)
                                                 //          1h = Capture Event 3 triggered on a falling edge (FE)
                                                 //     3 CTRRST2 R/W 0h Counter Reset on Capture Event 2
                                                 //          0h = Do not reset counter on Capture Event 2 (absolute time stamp)
                                                 //          1h = Reset counter after Event 2 time-stamp has been captured
                                                 //               (used in difference mode operation)
                                                 //     2 CAP2POL R/W 0h Capture Event 2 Polarity select
                                                 //          0h = Capture Event 2 triggered on a rising edge (RE)
                                                 //          1h = Capture Event 2 triggered on a falling edge (FE)
                                                 //     1 CTRRST1 R/W 0h Counter Reset on Capture Event 1
                                                 //          0h = Do not reset counter on Capture Event 1 (absolute time stamp)
                                                 //          1h = Reset counter after Event 1 time-stamp has been captured
                                                 //               (used in difference mode operation)
                                                 //     0 CAP1POL R/W 0h Capture Event 1 Polarity select
                                                 //          0h = Capture Event 1 triggered on a rising edge (RE)
                                                 //          1h = Capture Event 1 triggered on a falling edge (FE)
    SBBO      r17.w0, r10, OFFSET_ECEINT, 2      // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_ECEINT) = r17.w0:0x0000
                                                 //   0x4830012c : 0x0
    SBBO      r9.w0, r12, OFFSET_ECEINT, 2       // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_ECEINT) = r9.w0:0x0040
                                                 //   0x4830412c : 0x0
                                                 // ECEINT Register
                                                 //   we will use both ecap0 and ecap2 as APWM, then these Period are same and
                                                 //   these timings are almost same.
                                                 //   so we will use only ECFLG:PRDEQ of ecap2, not of both.
                                                 //      15-8 RESERVED R 0h
                                                 //      7 CMPEQ R/W 0h Counter Equal Compare Interrupt Enable.
                                                 //          0h = Disable Compare Equal as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //          1h = Enable Compare Equal as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //    * 6 PRDEQ R/W 0h Counter Equal Period Interrupt Enable.
                                                 //          0h = Disable Period Equal as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //       *  1h = Enable Period Equal as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //      5 CNTOVF R/W 0h Counter Overflow Interrupt Enable.
                                                 //          0h = Disable counter Overflow as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //          1h = Enable counter Overflow as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //      4 CEVT4 R/W 0h Capture Event 4 Interrupt Enable.
                                                 //          0h = Disable Capture Event 4 as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //          1h = Enable Capture Event 4 as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //      3 CEVT3 R/W 0h Capture Event 3 Interrupt Enable.
                                                 //          0h = Disable Capture Event 3 as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //          1h = Enable Capture Event 3 as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //      2 CEVT2 R/W 0h Capture Event 2 Interrupt Enable.
                                                 //          0h = Disable Capture Event 2 as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //          1h = Enable Capture Event 2 as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //      1 CEVT1 R/W 0h Capture Event 1 Interrupt Enable .
                                                 //          0h = Disable Capture Event 1 as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //          1h = Enable Capture Event 1 as an Interrupt source.
                                                 //      0 RESERVED R 0h
    MOV       r1.w0, 0x00ff                      //
    SBBO      r1.w0, r10, OFFSET_ECCLR, 2        // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_ECCLR) = r1.w0:0x00ff
                                                 //   0x48300130 : 0x0
    SBBO      r1.w0, r12, OFFSET_ECCLR, 2        // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_ECCLR) = r1.w0:0x00ff
                                                 //   0x48304130 : 0x0
                                                 // ECCLR Register
                                                 //      15-8 RESERVED R 0h
                                                 //    * 7 CMPEQ R/W 0h Counter Equal Compare Status Flag
                                                 //          0h = Writing a 0 has no effect. Always reads back a 0
                                                 //       *  1h = Writing a 1 clears the CMPEQ flag condition
                                                 //    * 6 PRDEQ R/W 0h Counter Equal Period Status Flag
                                                 //          0h = Writing a 0 has no effect. Always reads back a 0
                                                 //       *  1h = Writing a 1 clears the PRDEQ flag condition
                                                 //    * 5 CNTOVF R/W 0h Counter Overflow Status Flag
                                                 //          0h = Writing a 0 has no effect. Always reads back a 0
                                                 //       *  1h = Writing a 1 clears the CNTOVF flag condition
                                                 //    * 4 CEVT4 R/W 0h Capture Event 4 Status Flag
                                                 //          0h = Writing a 0 has no effect. Always reads back a 0.
                                                 //       *  1h = Writing a 1 clears the CEVT3 flag condition.
                                                 //    * 3 CEVT3 R/W 0h Capture Event 3 Status Flag
                                                 //          0h = Writing a 0 has no effect. Always reads back a 0.
                                                 //       *  1h = Writing a 1 clears the CEVT3 flag condition.
                                                 //    * 2 CEVT2 R/W 0h Capture Event 2 Status Flag
                                                 //          0h = Writing a 0 has no effect. Always reads back a 0.
                                                 //       *  1h = Writing a 1 clears the CEVT2 flag condition.
                                                 //    * 1 CEVT1 R/W 0h Capture Event 1 Status Flag
                                                 //          0h = Writing a 0 has no effect. Always reads back a 0.
                                                 //       *  1h = Writing a 1 clears the CEVT1 flag condition.
                                                 //    * 0 INT R/W 0h Global Interrupt Clear Flag
                                                 //          0h = Writing a 0 has no effect. Always reads back a 0.
                                                 //       *  1h = Writing a 1 clears the INT flag and enable further interrupts
                                                 //               to be generated if any of the event flags are set to 1.
    LBBO      r1.w0, r10, OFFSET_ECFLG, 2        // r1.w0 = *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_ECFLG)
                                                 //   0x4830012e : 0x0
    LBBO      r1.w0, r12, OFFSET_ECFLG, 2        // r1.w0 = *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_ECFLG)
                                                 //   0x4830412e : 0x0
                                                 // ECFLG Register
                                                 //      15-8 RESERVED R 0h
                                                 //      7 CMPEQ R 0h Compare Equal Compare Status Flag.
                                                 //        This flag is only active in APWM mode.
                                                 //          0h = Indicates no event occurred
                                                 //          1h = Indicates the counter (TSCTR) reached the compare register
                                                 //               value (ACMP)
                                                 //      6 PRDEQ R 0h Counter Equal Period Status Flag.
                                                 //        This flag is only active in APWM mode.
                                                 //          0h = Indicates no event occurred
                                                 //          1h = Indicates the counter (TSCTR) reached the period register
                                                 //               value (APRD) and was reset.
                                                 //      5 CNTOVF R 0h Counter Overflow Status Flag.
                                                 //        This flag is active in CAP and APWM mode.
                                                 //          0h = Indicates no event occurred.
                                                 //          1h = Indicates the counter (TSCTR) has made the transition from
                                                 //               0xFFFFFFFF to 0x00000000
                                                 //      4 CEVT4 R 0h Capture Event 4 Status Flag This flag is only active 
                                                 //        in CAP mode.
                                                 //          0h = Indicates no event occurred
                                                 //          1h = Indicates the fourth event occurred at ECAPn pin
                                                 //      3 CEVT3 R 0h Capture Event 3 Status Flag.
                                                 //        This flag is active only in CAP mode.
                                                 //          0h = Indicates no event occurred.
                                                 //          1h = Indicates the third event occurred at ECAPn pin.
                                                 //      2 CEVT2 R 0h Capture Event 2 Status Flag.
                                                 //        This flag is only active in CAP mode.
                                                 //          0h = Indicates no event occurred.
                                                 //          1h = Indicates the second event occurred at ECAPn pin.
                                                 //      1 CEVT1 R 0h Capture Event 1 Status Flag.
                                                 //        This flag is only active in CAP mode.
                                                 //          0h = Indicates no event occurred.
                                                 //          1h = Indicates the first event occurred at ECAPn pin.
                                                 //      0 INT R 0h Global Interrupt Status Flag
                                                 //          0h = Indicates no interrupt generated.
                                                 //          1h = Indicates that an interrupt was generated
    MOV       r8, r17                            // r8:FrameCounter =  r17.w0:0x0000
    SBCO      r8, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x0c, 4    // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 12) = r8:FrameCounter
    MOV       r0, 1                              // 
    SBCO      r0, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x04, 4    // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 4) = r0:0x00000001
    MOV       r31.b0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT+16      // Send notification to Host
                                                 //   It means that pwm init is done.
// we have just done initialization of ragisters.
// after that, we wait the indication to turn on from host.
    // check command from host with shared mem
    LBCO      r0, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x00, 4    // r0 = *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 0)
    QBGT      WAIT_TURN_ON, r0, 2                // if 2 > r0:Command_from_host then goto WAIT_TURN_ON
    MOV       r0, 2                              // 
    SBCO      r0, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x04, 4    // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 4) = r0:0x00000002
    // start the running counter in TSCTR Register
    MOV       r1.w0, 0x0290                      //
    SBBO      r1.w0, r10, OFFSET_ECCTL2, 2       // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_ECCTL2) = r1.w0:0x0290
                                                 //   0x4830012a : 0x290
    SBBO      r1.w0, r12, OFFSET_ECCTL2, 2       // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_ECCTL2) = r1.w0:0x0290
                                                 //   0x4830412a : 0x290
                                                 // we set ECCTL2:TSCTRSTOP to Enable to start TSCTR as runnning counter.
                                                 // ECCTL2 Register
                                                 //      4 TSCTRSTOP R/W 0h Time Stamp (TSCTR) Counter Stop (freeze) Control
                                                 //          0h = TSCTR stopped
                                                 //       *  1h = TSCTR free-running
                                                 //      we do not change other fileds in this register.
    AND       r0, r8, 1                          // 
    MOV       r7.w0, r17.w0                      // r7.w0:LoopCounter = r17.w0:0x0000
    QBEQ      WAIT_TURN_ON1, r0, 0               // if 0x00000000 == (CurrentFrameNum & 0x00000001) then goto WAIT_TURN_ON1
    MOV       r7.w0, r13.w0                      // else r7.w0:LoopCounter = r13.w0:0x1000
    MOV       r5, 1                          // r5:PreviousCommand = 0x1 
//endless main loop 
    LBCO      r3, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x00, 4    // r3 = *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 0)
                                                 //  r3 is current command from host
    QBEQ      PWM_INIT, r3, 0                    // if 0 == r3:Command_from_host then goto PWM_INIT
    // we check the ECFLG:PRDEQ in eCAP2
    LBBO      r1.w0, r12, OFFSET_ECFLG, 2        // r1.w0 = *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_ECFLG)
    AND       r0.w0, r1.w0, r9.w0                // r0.w0 = r1.w0:ECFLG & r9.w0:0x0040
    QBEQ      MAIN_LOOP, r0.w0, r17.w0           // if r17.w0:0x0000 == r0.w0 then goto MAIN_LOOP
    // Now ECFLG:PRDEQ in eCAP2 has been set, so we clear it
    SBBO      r9.w0, r12, OFFSET_ECCLR, 2        // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_ECCLR) = r9.w0:0x0040
    // check command from host with shared mem
    QBLT      RUN_STATE, r5, 1                   // if 1 < r5:PreviousCommand then goto RUN_STATE
    MOV       r6.w0,CENTER_OF_11b_SAMPLE          // r6.w0:samplingDataForRightChannel = CENTER_OF_11b_SAMPLE:1024
    MOV       r6.w2,CENTER_OF_11b_SAMPLE          // r6.w0:samplingDataForLeftChannel = CENTER_OF_11b_SAMPLE:1024
                                                 //   1024 means zero level of 11bit sampling data.
    QBGT      SET_SAMPLING_DATA,r3,2             // if 2 > r3:Command_from_host then goto SET_SAMPLING_DATA
    MOV       r5, r3                             // update r5:PreviousCommand to NewCommand:0x02
    SBCO      r3, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x04, 4    // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 4) = r3
    QBLT      GET_SAMPLING_DATA,r3,1             // if 1 < r3:Command_from_host then goto GET_SAMPLING_DATA
    MOV       r5, r3                             // update r5:PreviousCommand to NewCommand:0x01
    SBCO      r3, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x04, 4    // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 4) = r3
    MOV       r6.w0,CENTER_OF_11b_SAMPLE         // r6.w0:samplingDataForRightChannel = CENTER_OF_11b_SAMPLE:1024
    MOV       r6.w2,CENTER_OF_11b_SAMPLE         // r6.w0:samplingDataForLeftChannel = CENTER_OF_11b_SAMPLE:1024
    // we get sampling data.
    ADD       r0.w0, r7.w0, r13.w0               // r0.w0 = r7.w0:LoopCounter + r13.w0:RingBufferOfset:0x1000
    LBCO      r6, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, r0.w0, 4   // r6 = *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + r0.w0)
                                                 // r6.w0 is sampling data for right channel
                                                 // r6.w2 is sampling data for left channel
    // we count-up Ring Buffer Index, 
    ADD       r7.w0, r7.w0, 4                    // r7.w0:BufferIndex = r7.w0:BufferIndex + 4
    AND       r0.w0, r7.w0, r14.w0
    QBNE      SET_SAMPLING_DATA, r0.w0, 0        // if 0 != (r7.w0:BufferIndex & r14.w0:0x0fff) then goto SET_SAMPLING_DATA
    // we update frame number in indications and send notification to host with interrupt 
    // because current frame has just been consumed.
    AND       r7.w0, r7.w0, r14.w2               // r7.w0:BufferIndex = r7.w0 & r14.w2:0x1fff
    ADD       r8, r8, 1                          // r8:FrameCounter += 1
    SBCO      r8, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x0c, 4    // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 12) = r8
    MOV       r0.w0, r7.w0
    MOV       r0.w2, r17.w2
    SBCO      r0, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0x10, 4    // *(CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM + 16) = r0
    MOV       r31.b0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT+16      // Send notification to Host
                                                 //   It means that half of RING_BUF has been comsumed
                                                 //   as DAC sampling data.
    MOV      r0.w0, MAX_OF_11b_SAMPLE             // r0.w0 = MAX_OF_11b_SAMPLE:2047
    QBGE     SET_SAMPLING_DATA1, r6.w0, r0.w0    // if r0.w0:2047 >= r6.w0:RightChannelData then goto SET_SAMPLING_DATA1
    MOV      r6.w0, r0.w0                        // else r6.w0:RightChannelData = r0.w0:MAX_OF_11b_SAMPLE
    QBGE     SET_SAMPLING_DATA2, r6.w2, r0.w0    // if r0.w0:2047 >= r6.w2:LeftChannelData then goto SET_SAMPLING_DATA2
    MOV      r6.w2, r0.w0                        // else r6.w2:LeftChannelData = r0.w0:MAX_OF_11b_SAMPLE
    ADD      r6.w0, r6.w0, OFFSET_ZERO_LEVEL     // 
    ADD      r6.w2, r6.w2, OFFSET_ZERO_LEVEL     // 
    MOV       r0.w2, r17.w0                      // 
    MOV       r0.w0, r6.w0                       // 
    SBBO      r0, r10, OFFSET_CAP4, 4            // *(r10:eCAP0_BASE + OFFSET_CAP4) = r0:RightChannelData
                                                 //   0x48300114 : 
    MOV       r0.w0, r6.w2                       //
    SBBO      r0, r12, OFFSET_CAP4, 4            // *(r12:eCAP2_BASE + OFFSET_CAP4) = r0:LeftChannelData
                                                 //   0x48304114 : 
                                                 // CAP4 Register is shadow-register of CAP2 compare-register
    JMP       MAIN_LOOP                          // goto MAIN_LOOP


// pwm.hp
#ifndef _PRU_PWM_
#define _PRU_PWM_
// ***************************************
// *      Global Macro definitions       *
// ***************************************
#define PRU0_PRU1_INTERRUPT     17
#define PRU1_PRU0_INTERRUPT     18
#define PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT      19
#define PRU1_ARM_INTERRUPT      20
#define ARM_PRU0_INTERRUPT      21
#define ARM_PRU1_INTERRUPT      22
#define CONST_PRUCFG            C4
#define CONST_PRUD0RAM          C24
#define CONST_PRUD1RAM          C25
#define CONST_DDR               C31
#define PRU0_CTRL_REG_BASE    0x00022000
#define OFFSET_PRU_CONTROL_REG        0x00
#define OFFSET_PRU_STATUS_REG         0x04
                                              // 5 SUB_MWAIT
                                              //     Status bit for wait state.
                                              //       0 = Ready for Transaction
                                              //       1 = Wait until 0
                                              // 4   STANDBY_INIT 
                                              //       1 = Initiate standby sequence.
                                              //       0 = Ready for Transaction
                                              // 3-2 STANDBY_MODE
                                              //       0h = Force standby mode: Initiator unconditionally 
                                              //            in standby (standby = 1).
                                              //       1h = No standby mode: Initiator unconditionally out 
                                              //            of standby (standby = 0).
                                              //       2h = Smart standby mode: Standby requested by initiator 
                                              //            depending on internal conditions.
                                              //       3h = Reserved.
                                              // 1-0 IDLE_MODE
                                              //       0h = Force-idle mode.
                                              //       1h = No-idle mode.
                                              //       2h = Smart-idle mode.
                                              //       3h = Reserved.
#define OFFSET_PRU_WAKEUP_EN_REG      0x08
#define OFFSET_PRU_CYCLE_REG          0x0C
#define OFFSET_PRU_STALL_REG          0x10
#define OFFSET_PRU_CTBIR0_REG         0x20
                                               // 23-16 C25_BLK_INDEX (PRU1/0 Local Data)
                                               // 7-0   C24_BLK_INDEX (PRU0/1 Local Data)
#define OFFSET_PRU_CTBIR1_REG         0x24
                                               // 23-16 C27_BLK_INDEX (MII_RT (local))
                                               // 7-0   C26_BLK_INDEX (IEP (local))
#define OFFSET_PRU_CTPPR0_REG         0x28
                                               // 31-16 C29_POINTER (TPCC)
                                               // 15-0  C28_POINTER (Shared PRU RAM (local))
#define OFFSET_PRU_CTPPR1_REG         0x2C
                                               // 31-16 C31_POINTER (EMIF0 DDR Base)
                                               // 15-0  C30_POINTER (L3 OCMC0)
#define PRU_ICSS_CFG_REG_BASE 0x00026000
#define OFFSET_CFG_REVID_REG          0x00
#define OFFSET_CFG_SYSCFG_REG         0x04
                                               // 5 SUB_MWAIT
                                               //     Status bit for wait state.(Read only)
                                               //       0 = Ready for Transaction
                                               //       1 = Wait until 0
                                               // 4 STANDBY_INIT
                                               //       1 = Initiate standby sequence.
                                               //       0 = Enable OCP master ports.
                                               // 3-2 STANDBY_MODE
                                               //       0h = Force standby mode: Initiator unconditionally 
                                               //            in standby (standby = 1).
                                               //       1h = No standby mode: Initiator unconditionally out 
                                               //            of standby (standby = 0).
                                               //       2h = Smart standby mode: Standby requested by initiator 
                                               //            depending on internal conditions.
                                               //       3h = Reserved.
                                               // 1-0 IDLE_MODE
                                               //       0h = Force-idle mode.
                                               //       1h = No-idle mode.
                                               //       2h = Smart-idle mode.
                                               //       3h = Reserved.
#define OFFSET_CFG_GPCFG0_REG         0x08
                                               // 25 PRU0_GPO_SH_SEL
                                               //     Defines which shadow register is currently getting used 
                                               //     for GPO shifting.(Read only)
                                               //       0 = gpo_sh0 is selected
                                               //       1 = gpo_sh1 is selected
                                               // 24-20 PRU0_GPO_DIV1
                                               //     Divisor value (divide by PRU0_GPO_DIV1 + 1).
                                               //       0h = div 1.0.
                                               //       1h = div 1.5.
                                               //       2h = div 2.0.
                                               //         ..
                                               //       1eh = div 16.0.
                                               //       1fh = reserved.
                                               // 19-15 PRU0_GPO_DIV0
                                               //     Same as PRU0_GPO_DIV1
                                               // 14 PRU0_GPO_MODE
                                               //       0 = Direct output mode
                                               //       1 = Serial output mode
                                               // 13 PRU0_GPI_SB
                                               //     Start Bit event for 28-bit shift mode.
                                               //     PRU0_GPI_SB (pru0_r31_status[29]) is set when first capture 
                                               //     of a 1 on pru0_r31_status[0].
                                               //       Read 1: Start Bit event occurred.
                                               //       Read 0: Start Bit event has not occurred.
                                               //       Write 1: Will clear PRU0_GPI_SB and clear the whole 
                                               //                shift register.
                                               //       Write 0: No Effect.
                                               // 12-8 PRU0_GPI_DIV1
                                               //     Divisor value (divide by PRU0_GPI_DIV1 + 1).
                                               //       0h = div 1.0.
                                               //       1h = div 1.5.
                                               //       2h = div 2.0.
                                               //         ..
                                               //       1eh = div 16.0.
                                               //       1fh = reserved.
                                               // 7-3  PRU0_GPI_DIV0
                                               //     Same as PRU0_GPI_DIV1
                                               // 2 PRU0_GPI_CLK_MODE
                                               //     Parallel 16-bit capture mode clock edge.
                                               //       0 = Use the positive edge of pru0_r31_status[16]
                                               //       1 = Use the negative edge of pru0_r31_status[16]
                                               // 1-0 PRU0_GPI_MODE
                                               //       0h = Direct connection mode.
                                               //       1h = 16-bit parallel capture mode.
                                               //       2h = 28-bit shift mode.
                                               //       3h = Mii_rt mode.
#define OFFSET_CFG_GPCFG1_REG         0x0C
                                               // Fields are Same as GPCFG0_REG, buf GPCFG1_REG is for PRU1.
#define OFFSET_CFG_CGR_REG            0x10
#define OFFSET_CFG_ISRP_REG           0x14
#define OFFSET_CFG_ISP_REG            0x18
#define OFFSET_CFG_IESP_REG           0x1C
#define OFFSET_CFG_IECP_REG           0x20
#define OFFSET_CFG_PMAO_REG           0x28
#define OFFSET_CFG_MII_RT_REG         0x2C
#define OFFSET_CFG_IEPCLK_REG         0x30
#define OFFSET_CFG_SPP_REG            0x34
#define OFFSET_CFG_PIN_MX_REG         0x40
// Address for the Constant table Block Index Register (CTBIR)
#define CTBIR          0x22020
// Address for the Constant table Programmable Pointer Register 0(CTPPR_0)
#define CTPPR_0         0x22028
// Address for the Constant table Programmable Pointer Register 1(CTPPR_1)
#define CTPPR_1         0x2202C
// CM_PER related registers define
#define CM_PER_BASE    0x44E00000    // Clock Module Peripheral Registers
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_L4LS_CLKSTCTRL       0x000 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL        0x004 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL         0x00C 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_CPGMAC0_CLKCTRL      0x014 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_LCDC_CLKCTRL         0x018 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_USB0_CLKCTRL         0x01C 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TPTC0_CLKCTRL        0x024 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_EMIF_CLKCTRL         0x028 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_GPMC_CLKCTRL         0x030 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_MCASP0_CLKCTRL       0x034 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_UART5_CLKCTRL        0x038 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_MMC0_CLKCTRL         0x03C 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_ELM_CLKCTRL          0x040 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_I2C2_CLKCTRL         0x044 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_I2C1_CLKCTRL         0x048 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_SPI0_CLKCTRL         0x04C 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_SPI1_CLKCTRL         0x050 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_L4LS_CLKCTRL         0x060 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_MCASP1_CLKCTRL       0x068 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_UART1_CLKCTRL        0x06C 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_UART2_CLKCTRL        0x070 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_UART3_CLKCTRL        0x074 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_UART4_CLKCTRL        0x078 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TIMER7_CLKCTRL       0x07C        // timer7
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TIMER2_CLKCTRL       0x080 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TIMER3_CLKCTRL       0x084 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TIMER4_CLKCTRL       0x088        // timer4
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_GPIO1_CLKCTRL        0x0AC 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_GPIO2_CLKCTRL        0x0B0 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_GPIO3_CLKCTRL        0x0B4 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TPCC_CLKCTRL         0x0BC 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_DCAN0_CLKCTRL        0x0C0 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_DCAN1_CLKCTRL        0x0C4 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_EPWMSS1_CLKCTRL      0x0CC        // epwmss1
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_EPWMSS0_CLKCTRL      0x0D4        // epwmss0
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_EPWMSS2_CLKCTRL      0x0D8        // epwmss2
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL           0x0E0 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_IEEE5000_CLKCTRL     0x0E4 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_PRU_ICSS_CLKCTRL     0x0E8        // pru_icss
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TIMER5_CLKCTRL       0x0EC        // timer5
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TIMER6_CLKCTRL       0x0F0        // timer6
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_MMC1_CLKCTRL         0x0F4 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_MMC2_CLKCTRL         0x0F8 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TPTC1_CLKCTRL        0x0FC 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_TPTC2_CLKCTRL        0x100 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_L4HS_CLKSTCTRL       0x11C 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_L4HS_CLKCTRL         0x120 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_OCPWP_CLKCTRL        0x130 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_PRU_ICSS_CLKSTCTRL   0x140       // pru_icss_clk
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_CPSW_CLKSTCTRL       0x144 
#define OFFSET_CM_PER_LCDC_CLKSTCTRL       0x148 
// CM_DPLL related registers define
#define CM_DPLL_BASE                   0x44E00500    // Clock Module PLL Registers
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_TIMER7_CLK       0x04   // Selects the Mux select line for TIMER7 clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_TIMER2_CLK       0x08   // Selects the Mux select line for TIMER2 clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_TIMER3_CLK       0x0C   // Selects the Mux select line for TIMER3 clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_TIMER4_CLK       0x10   // Selects the Mux select line for TIMER4 clock
#define OFFSET_CM_MAC_CLKSEL           0x14   // Selects the clock divide ration for MII clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_TIMER5_CLK       0x18   // Selects the Mux select line for TIMER5 clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_TIMER6_CLK       0x1C   // Selects the Mux select line for TIMER6 clock
#define OFFSET_ CM_CPTS_RFT_CLKSEL     0x20   // Selects the Mux select line for CPTS RFT clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_TIMER1MS_CLK     0x28   // Selects the Mux select line for TIMER1 clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_GFX_FCLK         0x2C   // Selects the divider value for GFX clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_PRU_ICSS_OCP_CLK 0x30   // Controls the Mux select line for PRU-ICSS OCP clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_LCDC_PIXEL_CLK   0x34   // Controls the Mux select line for LCDC PIXEL clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_WDT1_CLK         0x38   // Selects the Mux select line for Watchdog1 clock
#define OFFSET_CLKSEL_GPIO0_DBCLK      0x3C   // Selects the Mux select line for GPIO0 debounce clock
// PWMSS related registers define
#define PWM_Subsystem_0_BASE           0x48300000   // PWMSS0 Configuration Registers
#define PWM_Subsystem_1_BASE           0x48302000   // PWMSS1 Configuration Registers
#define PWM_Subsystem_2_BASE           0x48304000   // PWMSS2 Configuration Registers
#define OFFSET_IDVER                   0x00    // IDVER IP Revision Register
#define OFFSET_SYSCONFIG               0x04    // SYSCONFIG System Configuration Register Section
#define OFFSET_CLKCONFIG               0x08    // CLKCONFIG Clock Configuration Register Section
#define OFFSET_CLKSTATUS               0x0C    // CLKSTATUS Clock Status Register Section
// ePWM related registers define
#define ePWM0_BASE                     0x48300200  // PWMSS ePWM0 Registers
#define ePWM1_BASE                     0x48302200  // PWMSS ePWM1 Registers
#define ePWM2_BASE                     0x48304200  // PWMSS ePWM2 Registers
#define OFFSET_TBCTL                   0x00      // TBCTL Time-Base Control Register Section
#define OFFSET_TBSTS                   0x02      // TBSTS Time-Base Status Register Section
#define OFFSET_TBPHSHR                 0x04      // TBPHSHR Extension for HRPWM Phase Register Section
#define OFFSET_TBPHS                   0x06      // TBPHS Time-Base Phase Register Section
#define OFFSET_TBCNT                   0x08      // TBCNT Time-Base Counter Register Section
#define OFFSET_TBPRD                   0x0A      // TBPRD Time-Base Period Register Section
#define OFFSET_CMPCTL                  0x0E      // CMPCTL Counter-Compare Control Register Section
#define OFFSET_CMPAHR                  0x10      // CMPAHR Extension for HRPWM Counter-Compare A Register Section
#define OFFSET_CMPA                    0x12      // CMPA Counter-Compare A Register Section
#define OFFSET_CMPB                    0x14      // CMPB Counter-Compare B Register Section
#define OFFSET_AQCTLA                  0x16      // AQCTLA Action-Qualifier Control Register for Output A (EPWMxA) Section
#define OFFSET_AQCTLB                  0x18      // AQCTLB Action-Qualifier Control Register for Output B (EPWMxB) Section
#define OFFSET_AQSFRC                  0x1A      // AQSFRC Action-Qualifier Software Force Register Section
#define OFFSET_AQCSFRC                 0x1C      // AQCSFRC Action-Qualifier Continuous S/W Force Register Set Section
#define OFFSET_DBCTL                   0x1E      // DBCTL Dead-Band Generator Control Register Section
#define OFFSET_DBRED                   0x20      // DBRED Dead-Band Generator Rising Edge Delay Count Register Section
#define OFFSET_DBFED                   0x22      // DBFED Dead-Band Generator Falling Edge Delay Count Register Section
#define OFFSET_TZSEL                   0x24      // TZSEL Trip-Zone Select Register Section
#define OFFSET_TZCTL                   0x28      // TZCTL Trip-Zone Control Register Section
#define OFFSET_TZEINT                  0x2A      // TZEINT Trip-Zone Enable Interrupt Register Section
#define OFFSET_TZFLG                   0x2C      // TZFLG Trip-Zone Flag Register Section
#define OFFSET_TZCLR                   0x2E      // TZCLR Trip-Zone Clear Register Section
#define OFFSET_TZFRC                   0x30      // TZFRC Trip-Zone Force Register Section
#define OFFSET_ETSEL                   0x32      // ETSEL Event-Trigger Selection Register Section
#define OFFSET_ETPS                    0x34      // ETPS Event-Trigger Pre-Scale Register Section
#define OFFSET_ETFLG                   0x36      // ETFLG Event-Trigger Flag Register Section
#define OFFSET_ETCLR                   0x38      // ETCLR Event-Trigger Clear Register Section
#define OFFSET_ETFRC                   0x3A      // ETFRC Event-Trigger Force Register Section
#define OFFSET_PCCTL                   0x3C      // PCCTL PWM-Chopper Control Register Section
#define OFFSET_HRCNFG                  0xC0      // HRCNFG HRPWM configuration register (HRCNFG) Section
// eCAP related registers define
#define eCAP0_BASE                     0x48300100  // PWMSS eCAP0 Registers
#define eCAP1_BASE                     0x48302100  // PWMSS eCAP1 Registers
#define eCAP2_BASE                     0x48304100  // PWMSS eCAP2 Registers
#define OFFSET_TSCTR                   0x00    // TSCTR Time-Stamp Counter Register Section
#define OFFSET_CTRPHS                  0x04    // CTRPHS Counter Phase Offset Value Register Section
#define OFFSET_CAP1                    0x08    // CAP1 Capture 1 Register Section
#define OFFSET_CAP2                    0x0C    // CAP2 Capture 2 Register Section
#define OFFSET_CAP3                    0x10    // CAP3 Capture 3 Register Section
#define OFFSET_CAP4                    0x14    // CAP4 Capture 4 Register Section
#define OFFSET_ECCTL1                  0x28    // ECCTL1 Capture Control Register 1 Section
#define OFFSET_ECCTL2                  0x2A    // ECCTL2 Capture Control Register 2 Section
#define OFFSET_ECEINT                  0x2C    // ECEINT Capture Interrupt Enable Register Section
#define OFFSET_ECFLG                   0x2E    // ECFLG Capture Interrupt Flag Register Section
#define OFFSET_ECCLR                   0x30    // ECCLR Capture Interrupt Clear Register Section
#define OFFSET_ECFRC                   0x32    // ECFRC Capture Interrupt Force Register Section
#define OFFSET_REVID                   0x5C    // REVID Revision ID Register Section
// eQEP related registers defines
#define eQEP0_BASE                     0x48300180  // PWMSS eQEP0 Registers
#define eQEP1_BASE                     0x48302180  // PWMSS eQEP1 Registers
#define eQEP2_BASE                     0x48304180  // PWMSS eQEP2 Registers
// Timer related registers 
#define DMTIMER0_BASE                  0x44E05000  // DMTimer0 Registers
#define DMTIMER1_1MS_BASE              0x44E31000  // DMTimer1 1ms Registers
#define DMTIMER4_BASE                  0x48044000  // DMTimer4 Registers
#define DMTIMER5_BASE                  0x48046000  // DMTimer5 Registers
#define DMTIMER6_BASE                  0x48048000  // DMTimer6 Registers
#define DMTIMER7_BASE                  0x4804A000  // DMTimer7 Registers
#define OFFSET_TIDR                    0x00    // Identification Register
#define OFFSET_TIOCP_CFG               0x10    // Timer OCP Configuration Register
#define OFFSET_IRQ_EOI                 0x20    // Timer IRQ End-of-Interrupt Register
#define OFFSET_IRQSTATUS_RAW           0x24    // Timer Status Raw Register
#define OFFSET_IRQSTATUS               0x28    // Timer Status Register
#define OFFSET_IRQENABLE_SET           0x2C    // Timer Interrupt Enable Set Register
#define OFFSET_IRQENABLE_CLR           0x30    // Timer Interrupt Enable Clear Register
#define OFFSET_IRQWAKEEN               0x34    // Timer IRQ Wakeup Enable Register Section
#define OFFSET_TCLR                    0x38    // Timer Control Register Section
#define OFFSET_TCRR                    0x3C    // Timer Counter Register Section
#define OFFSET_TLDR                    0x40    // Timer Load Register
#define OFFSET_TTGR                    0x44    // Timer Trigger Register
#define OFFSET_TWPS                    0x48    // Timer Write Posting Bits Register
#define OFFSET_TMAR                    0x4C    // Timer Match Register
#define OFFSET_TCAR1                   0x50    // Timer Capture Register
#define OFFSET_TSICR                   0x54    // Timer Synchronous Interface Control Register
#define OFFSET_TCAR2                   0x58    // Timer Capture Register
#define PERIOD_44100                   2268    // base clock for tsctr is 100MHz and target frequency is 44100Hz,
                                               // therefor period registers are set to 2268.
#define ZERO_LEVEL_44100               1134    // we can set compare-register to 1 to 2267, and center is 1134.
#define MAX_OF_11b_SAMPLE              2047    // since sampling data bit length is 11 bit that data range is 0 to 2047
#define CENTER_OF_11b_SAMPLE           1024    // and center is 1024.
#define OFFSET_ZERO_LEVEL              110     // we have to shift sampling data to compare-register data.
                                               // offset to shift is 1134 - 1024 = 110.
#endif //_PRU_PWM_

このプログラムはPRUプログラムをロードし実行し、wavファイルから16bit 44.1KHzサンプリングステレオデータを取得してShared memory経由でPRUに与える。

 * pwmdac.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include "prussdrv.h"
#include <pruss_intc_mapping.h>
#define PRU_NUM      0
#define OFFSET_MEM0      0x00000000
#define OFFSET_MEM1      0x00002000
#define OFFSET_SHAREDRAM 0x00010000
#define SIZE_OF_BUFFER   0x2000
#define OFFSET_BUF0      0x01000
#define OFFSET_BUF1      0x02000
#define PWM_CMD_INIT     0x00000000
#define PWM_CMD_STOP     0x00000001
#define PWM_CMD_RUN      0x00000002
#define PWM_STATUS_INIT  0x00000000
#define PWM_STATUS_STOP  0x00000001
#define PWM_STATUS_RUN   0x00000002
#define ITEM_NUM_IN_HARF_BUF 1024
#define ZERO_LEVEL           1024U
* Type Definitions                                                 *
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct {
    char           id[4];
    unsigned long  size;
    char           fmt[4];
} RiffHeader;
typedef struct {
    char           chunkID[4];
    long           chunkSize; 
    short          wFormatTag;
    unsigned short wChannels;
    unsigned long  dwSamplesPerSec;
    unsigned long  dwAvgBytesPerSec;
    unsigned short wBlockAlign;
    unsigned short wBitsPerSample;
    /* Note: there may be additional fields here, depending upon wFormatTag. */
} FormatChunk;
typedef struct {
    char           chunkID[4];
    long           chunkSize; 
} DataChunk;
typedef struct {
    short l_ch_data;
    short r_ch_data;
} PCM16ChannelData;
typedef struct {
    unsigned short l_ch_data;
    unsigned short r_ch_data;
} PCM11ChannelData;
* Global Variable Definitions                                                 *
static void *pruDataMem;
//static unsigned int *pruDataMem_int0; /*AM33XX_DATA 8KB RAM0*/
//static unsigned int *pruDataMem_int1; /*AM33XX_DATA 8KB RAM1*/
static unsigned int *sharedMem_int;     /*AM33XX_SHARED 12KB RAM*/
//static unsigned int *currentBuffer_int;
* Global Function Definitions                                                 *
#define SOURCE_BIT 16
#define TARGET_BIT 11
inline unsigned short signed16_to_usigned11(short sample) {
    unsigned short us;
    us = (unsigned short)<sup id="footnote_plugin_tooltip_1" class="footnote_plugin_tooltip_text" onclick="footnote_moveToAnchor('footnote_plugin_reference_1');">1)</sup><span class="footnote_tooltip" id="footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_1">int)sample + (1 << (SOURCE_BIT - 1</span><script type="text/javascript"> jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_1").tooltip({      tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_1",     tipClass: "footnote_tooltip",       effect: "fade",     fadeOutSpeed: 100,      predelay: 400,      position: "top right",      relative: true,     offset: [10, 10]    });</script>);
    return (us >> (SOURCE_BIT - TARGET_BIT));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    unsigned int ret, err;
    struct sched_param sp;
    int policy;
    int result;
    int fsize;
    int i;
    int temp;
    unsigned char dummy;
    FILE* pfile;
    tpruss_intc_initdata pruss_intc_initdata = PRUSS_INTC_INITDATA;
    RiffHeader  header;
    FormatChunk fmt;
    DataChunk   data;
    unsigned long  wav_length;
    PCM11ChannelData * pch_data_buf;
    PCM11ChannelData * pch_data_buf0;
    PCM11ChannelData * pch_data_buf1;
    PCM16ChannelData read_data[ITEM_NUM_IN_HARF_BUF];
    if(argc < 2) {/*2nd argc is file name for input wave file.*/
        printf("There is no input file name.\n");
    pfile = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    if (pfile == NULL) {
        printf("Unable to open input file.\n");
    err = 0;
    fsize = fread( &header, sizeof( RiffHeader ), 1, pfile );
    printf("%c%c%c%c\n",header.fmt[0], header.fmt[1], header.fmt[2], header.fmt[3]);
    printf("size = %lu\n", header.size);
    fsize = fread( &fmt, sizeof( FormatChunk ), 1, pfile );
    printf("%c%c%c%c\n", fmt.chunkID[0], fmt.chunkID[1], fmt.chunkID[2], fmt.chunkID[3]);
    printf("Chank size = %ld\n", fmt.chunkSize);
    printf("wFormat TAG = %d\n", fmt.wFormatTag);
    printf("channels = %d\n", fmt.wChannels);
    if (fmt.wChannels != 2){
        printf("Not supported number of channels!!!\n");
        err = 1;
    printf("sample per sec = %lu\n", fmt.dwSamplesPerSec);
    if (fmt.dwSamplesPerSec != 44100){
        printf("Not supported sampling-rate!!!\n");
        err = 1;
    printf("avg byte per sec = %lu\n", fmt.dwAvgBytesPerSec);
    printf("%d blocksize\n", fmt.wBlockAlign);
    printf("%d bit per sample\n", fmt.wBitsPerSample);
    if (fmt.wChannels != 2){
        printf("Not supported number of sampling data bit!!!\n");
        err = 1;
    temp = fmt.chunkSize - sizeof(FormatChunk);
    if (temp > 0){
        printf("size of extention part = %d\n", temp);
        for (i = 0; i < temp ; i++){
            fsize = fread( &dummy, 1, 1, pfile );
    else if (temp > 0){
        printf("fmt in wave file is too small!!!\n");
        err = 1;
    fsize = fread( &data, sizeof( DataChunk ), 1, pfile );
    printf("%c%c%c%c\n", data.chunkID[0], data.chunkID[1], data.chunkID[2], data.chunkID[3]);
    printf("data.chunkSize = %ld\n", data.chunkSize);
    wav_length = data.chunkSize/(fmt.wBitsPerSample/8);
    printf("wave data length = %lu\n", wav_length);
    /* change schduling policy to real-time */
    policy = SCHED_FIFO; /* we can select either SCHED_RR or SCHED_FIFO as policy. */
    sp.sched_priority = 1; /* we can select priority value within 1 to 99. */
    result = sched_setscheduler(0, policy, &sp);
    if (result) {
        printf("Unable to change schduling policy: sched_setscheduler = %d\n", result);
        err = 1;
    if (err){
        fclose(pfile);/*close the input file*/
        return (0);
    /* Initialize the PRU */
    prussdrv_init ();
    /* Open PRU Interrupt */
    ret = prussdrv_open(PRU_EVTOUT_0);
    if (ret) {
        printf("prussdrv_open open failed\n");
        fclose(pfile);/*close the input file*/
        return (ret);
    /* Get the interrupt initialized */
    /* Execute example on PRU */
    printf("\tINFO: Executing example.\r\n");
    prussdrv_exec_program (PRU_NUM, "./pwmdac.bin");
    prussdrv_map_prumem(PRUSS0_PRU0_DATARAM, &pruDataMem);
    /*assign data RAM addresses to two pointers*/
    sharedMem_int   = (unsigned int*)(pruDataMem + OFFSET_SHAREDRAM );
    sharedMem_int[0] = PWM_CMD_INIT;/*init pwm */
    while (1) {
        /* Wait PRU0 interrupt event */
        prussdrv_pru_wait_event (PRU_EVTOUT_0);
        /* clear interrupt event */
        prussdrv_pru_clear_event (PRU_EVTOUT_0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT);
        if (sharedMem_int[1] == PWM_STATUS_STOP) break;
    printf("pru is waiting trigger to start.\n");
    printf("[0] = %d, [1] = %d, [2] = %d, [3] = %d\n", sharedMem_int[0],sharedMem_int[1],sharedMem_int[2],sharedMem_int[3]);
    pch_data_buf0 = (PCM11ChannelData *)(sharedMem_int + (OFFSET_BUF0 / sizeof(unsigned int)));
    pch_data_buf1 = (PCM11ChannelData *)(sharedMem_int + (OFFSET_BUF1 / sizeof(unsigned int)));
    for (i = 0; i < ITEM_NUM_IN_HARF_BUF ; i++) {
        pch_data_buf0[i].l_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
        pch_data_buf0[i].r_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
        pch_data_buf1[i].l_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
        pch_data_buf1[i].r_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
    sharedMem_int[2] = sharedMem_int[3] + 1;/*init frame number of buffer */
    sharedMem_int[0] = PWM_STATUS_RUN;/*init pwm */
    /* main loop*/
    fsize = ITEM_NUM_IN_HARF_BUF;
    while (fsize == ITEM_NUM_IN_HARF_BUF) {
        fsize = fread( read_data, sizeof( PCM16ChannelData ), ITEM_NUM_IN_HARF_BUF, pfile );
        /* Wait PRU0 interrupt event */
        /* clear interrupt event */
        prussdrv_pru_clear_event(PRU_EVTOUT_0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT);
        if ((++sharedMem_int[2]) & 1) {
            pch_data_buf = pch_data_buf1;
        else {
            pch_data_buf = pch_data_buf0;
        for (i = 0; i < fsize ; i++) {
            pch_data_buf[i].l_ch_data = signed16_to_usigned11(read_data[i].l_ch_data);
            pch_data_buf[i].r_ch_data = signed16_to_usigned11(read_data[i].r_ch_data);
        for (     ; i < ITEM_NUM_IN_HARF_BUF  ; i++) {
            pch_data_buf[i].l_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
            pch_data_buf[i].r_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
    /* Wait PRU0 interrupt event */
    /* clear interrupt event */
    prussdrv_pru_clear_event(PRU_EVTOUT_0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT);
    for (i = 0; i < ITEM_NUM_IN_HARF_BUF ; i++){
        pch_data_buf0[i].l_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
        pch_data_buf0[i].r_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
        pch_data_buf1[i].l_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
        pch_data_buf1[i].r_ch_data = ZERO_LEVEL;
    sharedMem_int[0] = PWM_CMD_STOP;
    while (sharedMem_int[1] == PWM_STATUS_STOP){
    sharedMem_int[0] = PWM_CMD_INIT;
    fclose(pfile);/*close the input file*/
    /* Disable PRU and close memory mapping. */


pwmdac.cとPRUプログラムpwmdaac.pの間のインターフェースとして12KByteあるSHARED Memory上の4Kbyte二つを1024サンプル分を格納する交替バッファとして用いる。


debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo$ export CROSS_COMPILE= debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo$ make clean for dir in pwmdac; do make -C $dir clean LIBDIR_APP_LOADER="../../app_loader/lib" LIBDIR_EDMA_DRIVER="" INCDIR_APP_LOADER="../../app_loader/include" INCDIR_EDMA_DRIVER="" BINDIR="../bin"; done make[1]: Entering directory `/home/debian/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac' rm -rf obj/ *~ ../../app_loader/include/*~ ../bin/pwmdac make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/debian/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac' for bin_file in pwmdac.bin; do rm -fr bin/$bin_file; done debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo$ make mkdir -p bin for dir in pwmdac; do make -C $dir CROSS_COMPILE="" LIBDIR_APP_LOADER="../../app_loader/lib" LIBDIR_EDMA_DRIVER="" INCDIR_APP_LOADER="../../app_loader/include" INCDIR_EDMA_DRIVER="" BINDIR="../bin"; done make[1]: Entering directory `/home/debian/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac' gcc -Wall -I../../app_loader/include -D__DEBUG -O2 -mtune=cortex-a8 -march=armv7-a -c -o obj/pwmdac.o pwmdac.c gcc -Wall -I../../app_loader/include -D__DEBUG -O2 -mtune=cortex-a8 -march=armv7-a -o ../bin/pwmdac obj/pwmdac.o -L../../app_loader/lib -lprussdrv -lpthread make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/debian/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac' for a_file in pwmdac/pwmdac.p ; \ do \ ../utils/pasm_2 -V3 -b $a_file ; \ done ; \ mv *.bin bin PRU Assembler Version 0.86 Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Texas Instruments Inc. Pass 2 : 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s) Writing Code Image of 138 word(s) debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo$ cd bin/ debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/bin$ cp ./pwmdac.bin ../pwmdac/obj/ debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/bin$ cd ../pwmdac/obj/ debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac/obj$ gcc pwmdac.o -L../../../app_loader/lib -lprussdrv -lpthread -o pwmdac.out debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac/obj$



44.1KHz 16bit ステレオのwavファイルサンプルを用意する。
SONY リニアPCMサンプル音源

debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac/obj$ cd ../ debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac$ wget --2015-05-09 13:13:30-- Resolving ( Connecting to (||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 7139918 (6.8M)
Saving to: `PCM-D50_441kHz16bit.wav' 100%[======================================>] 7,139,918 8.51M/s in 0.8s 2015-05-09 13:13:31 (8.51 MB/s) - `PCM-D50_441kHz16bit.wav' saved [7139918/7139918] debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac$


debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac$ cd obj debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac/obj$ sudo ./pwmdac.out ../PCM-D50_441kHz16bit.wav WAVE size = 7139910 RIFF fmt Chank size = 16 wFormat TAG = 1 channels = 2 sample per sec = 44100 avg byte per sec = 176400 4 blocksize 16 bit per sample data data.chunkSize = 7139824 wave data length = 3569912 INFO: Executing example. pru is waiting trigger to start. [0] = 0, [1] = 1, [2] = 0, [3] = 0 debian@beaglebone:~/pru/am335x_pru_package/pru_sw/pwmdac_demo/pwmdac/obj$

